Statement on the Cap on International Students

On Sunday, January 22nd, the Federal Government announced a 2-year cap on the number of student permits being issued. Canadian immigration officials anticipate that this cap will result in a 35% reduction in the number of study permits issued in 2024, compared to 2023 levels. In light of this announcement, the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) would like to express its concern for the possible impacts this policy may cause on the wellbeing of international students. CUSA emphatically opposes any policy that furthers the challenges faced by international students. Recognizing the diversity international students bring to their respective educational institutions, CUSA is furthermore concerned that with less international students being admitted, international tuition may rise or subsequently domestic tuition. CUSA agrees that it is unacceptable that some institutions take advantage of international students by operating under-resourced campuses, lacking support, and charging high tuition fees. With that in sight, CUSA has been advocating at the university level that a tuition guarantee for international students be established; at the government level, advocacy for a cap on international tuition has also been done. CUSA will continue to support international students in all possible capacities and shall strive to ensure that equitable access to education is provided at Carleton and beyond.


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